
Every undergraduate student at Saint Michael’s College collaborates with a team of advisors. This ‘Order of Knights’ consists of a 学生成功顾问, 教师 Advisor, and 职业教练. Your team will guide you when making important academic decisions. They will help you navigate campus policies, practices, and can connect you with timely resources. You will work with your team to build a relationship-rich community and strengthen your network of support. Advising at SMC is a celebration of the motivations that inspire you as a learner. You will work with your advisors to author a personal narrative that will shape your college experience and life after graduation.


学生成功顾问 meets with a student in the Office of 有目的的学习 at Saint Michael's College.

Saint Michael’s students are each assigned a 学生成功顾问 in their first year on campus. These advisors play a crucial role in facilitating the transition and growth of college students, and offer a wide range of support and guidance, starting with personalized 1:1 meetings with each student, 尤其是在第一年. These meetings provide students with the essential backing, 鼓励, 以及强烈的联系感, creating a platform for addressing their individual needs and challenges throughout their college experience.

另外, 学生成功顾问s instruct a specialized 1-credit course in the early weeks of the fall and spring semesters, equipping all first-year students with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate life on campus. 这些课程涵盖各个领域, including introductions to campus resources, 该机构的使命, 以及可利用的机会, as well as the critical concepts of social impact and ethical leadership.

By offering a welcoming space at the center of campus, where students can relax and participate in various collaborative programs, these advisors help foster a sense of community and engagement. 此外, 他们向家庭提供支持, 欢迎他们提出问题和关切, and aiming to be a valuable resource for parents and guardians as well. 这样做的时候, 学生成功顾问s ensure that students and their families feel supported and well-prepared to embark on a successful and enriching college journey.

Learn more about 学生成功顾问s


Professor Jerry Swope walks with a Saint Michael's College student on campus.

教师 advising at Saint Michael’s plays a pivotal role in guiding students on their academic journey. Each student is paired with a 教师 Advisor, a knowledgeable mentor in their chosen major, 在他们在机构工作期间. For those who choose to pursue dual majors, the system ensures they receive support from two 教师 Advisors, 每个专业一个, 满足他们的学术需求.

The cornerstone of this advising system is the mandatory 30-minute 学术顾问 Appointment, scheduled every semester during the ‘Advising Season.’ This appointment serves multiple purposes: it aids students in constructing a schedule that reflects their diverse academic interests, fosters critical and reflective thinking, and encourages the development of personal and professional goals to be achieved before the end of the semester.

教师 Advisors offer a broad spectrum of services, including assisting students in exploring majors, 未成年人, 毕业之路, aiding in course registration and selection, 取消账户持有, and facilitating the declaration of majors or 未成年人. 此外, students can tap into their 教师 Advisors’ knowledge to learn about department opportunities, 比如专题课程, 本科研究, 以及部门活动, 丰富他们的学术经验. 以这种方式, 教师 Advisors are essential partners in our student’s educational journeys, helping them navigate the intricacies of their chosen fields and achieve their academic and career aspirations.


A 职业教练 from the 职业生涯教育 Center meets with a student in an office on the campus of Saint Michael's College.

Each Saint Michael’s student also has a 职业教练 to help them access quality, real-world experiences during their time at the College through internships, 在校学生就业, 和志愿服务.

Meeting with a career coach helps to assist students in creating or updating their résumé, 识别类, 工作, 俱乐部, 组织, and internships that align with their career aspirations, and ensuring that their academic and extracurricular choices are on the right track to meet career goals.

另外, career coaches can assist you in defining your career path and purpose, a significant step toward achieving your long-term goals. The Boucher 职业生涯教育 Center helps to connect students with alumni who can provide invaluable insights and advice, as well as provide insight into a world of career possibilities.

职业教练es help students focus on identifying and strengthening skill sets and finding a career that fits the values of the student and help them find work they can be proud of.
